D.R.E.A.M: Dynamically Rebuilding & Educating All Minds (School Supply Drive)

Alpha Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. visited Malcolm X Elementary School to not only provide backpacks filled with school supplies collected during our coordinated drive, but to also provide assistance around the school.
Additional assistance included designing bulletin boards, organizing papers, filing paperwork, and other administrative tasks. In addition, we also had the honor of personally handing out each individual bag, which was packed with 'Delta Girl' love and essential school supply items.
It is always a pleasure to give back to our surrounding communities as we move forward. This initiative helped to alleviate the burden placed on families in urban communities with regards to school supplies.
It was brought to our attention that throughout the year, students and schools in urban communities often run out of school supplies. This not only affects the progression of educational success, but it also places financial stress on professors and families. Alpha Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. recognized this issue and sought to provide students with the tools/supplies that they need to achieve their highest potential scholastically.